From The Editor's Desk

Dr. J. Kannaperuman

IDA Editor

Hi to everyone...

Message from the Editor Taking this as an opportunity to represent the editorial board of JIDAT (Journal of Indian Dental Association TamilNadu) and TIDAL (Tamilnadu IDA Newsletter) May I extend humble and warm greetings to the esteemed comrades of the proud profession that binds us!

JIDAT has successfully stuck to the timely publication of the quarterly format carrying representation from the dental fraternity. TIDAL, our triannual news journal with the spine and support from the state office has helped good news take the scenic route from and towards the fraternity.

The leadership of our vibrant State Secretary Dr. K.P. Senthamarai Kannan during testing times contributing help and support to members simmering under the pandemic pressure requires special mention. Hope to strengthen the pre-existing unity and bond living in the golden jubilee year of our glorious association through JIDAT and TIDAL!!!

Jai Hind !

Dr. J. Kannaperuman

Editor-in-Chief, JIDAT

Editor-in- Chief, TIDAL

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